Installing StriderCD


Strider requires Node 0.10.x or higher and a MongoDB database. You can get node.js for your platform at You can get MongoDB for your platform at

We assume you have a MongoDB server running locally on your machine in the interests of simplicity. Of course, you can use a remote or cloud-hosted MongoDB just as easily.

Latest Stable Version

The latest version of Strider in NPM is always a stable version. Once you have Node.JS on your system, you can install the most recent stable version of Strider system-wide with the following command:

npm install -g strider

Now you should have a strider executable in your $PATH.

Latest Development Version

The very latest version of Strider is available on Github. While we strive to keep Strider as stable as possible, this should be considered development or pre-release code.

First clone the repository from Github:

git clone

Next go into the strider directory and install strider system-wide:

cd strider
npm install -g

Now you should have a strider executable in your $PATH.

Adding Users

Strider isn’t much use without any user accounts. You will want to create at least one admin user to manage your instance:

strider addUser

This command will walk you through creating a new user. If you already know an email and password, you can also pass them directly. For example to create a new user with email and password supersecret with admin privileges:

strider addUser -l -p supersecret -a

Cloud-hosted or Remote MongoDB

If you don’t want to run a local MongoDB, you can also use a cloud-hosted database, such as a free one provided by MongoLab. Using a cloud-hosted database for Strider can be advantageous because you can easily outsource backups, upgrades and other operations tasks which aren’t generally fun.

Additionally, a cloud-hosted MongoDB database should be available from anywhere.

Of course, you might already have your own MongoDB set up in your environment, but just not on your local machine.

Strider can be configured to use a remote MongoDB database with the DB_URI environment variable. For example:

DB_URI=mongodb:// npm start